VoIP Phone, Phone Service, VoIP Provider – Linksys PAP2

Linksys PAP2

Phone Adapter from Linksys
The Linksys PAP2 is simple
to setup, portable and easily
connects a standard telephone
to a router on your existing home
or office network.

  1. Supports two VoIP lines
  1. Perfect if you already have a router
  2. Small size travels well
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VoIP Phone, Phone Service, VoIP Provider – Sipura SPA-2100

Sipura SPA-2100

Phone Adapter with Router
The Sipura SPA-2100 is easy to install and simple to use. It includes router functionality and allows you to connect standard telephones to your home or office network.

  1. Supports two VoIP lines
  2. Includes a router functionality
  3. Connects up to three computers

Mediakkis MIC-420

Phone Adaptor with Router
The MIC-420 is easy to install and ideal for home use. It allows a user
Choose between dialing out on the standard local phone line or the Long distance Internet line. As a result the normal house phone can be used for both applications.

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also available to rent for $2.99


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